Escuela primaria

10 Oraciones negativas usando verbos regulares e irregulares en past continuous

  • Respuesta



    Espero que te ayude:)

    Regular verbs, past continous

    1. I were not thinking about this problem.

    2. You weren't doing the shopping.

    3. He was not hiding anything.

    4. She wasn't watching tv.

    5. It was not blooming.

    6. We weren't having lunch.

    7. You were not eating.

    8. They weren't fighting each other.

    9. They were not working.

    10. You were not working.

    Irregular verbs past continuous

    1. You didn’t arrive ten minutes late( Tu no llegaste 10 minutos antes)

    2. She didn’t smoke a lot(ella no fumo mucho)

    3. She didn’t wish to learn Italian(Ella no deseo aprender italiano)

    4. He didn’t live in Boston(El no vivio e Boston)

    5. She didn’t want to learn French.(Ella no quiso aprender Francés.)

    6. You didn’t watch television every ninght(Usted no vio televisión todas las noches)

    7. I didn’t marry Kelly last year(No me case con Kelly el año pasado)

    8. I didn’t mention it to you many times(No te lo mencione muchas veces)

    9. He didn’t work in his garden  yesterday (El no trabajo ayer en su jardín)

    10. I don’t know English

    Espero haberte ayudado, saludos:D

    si necesitas algo mas me puedes escribir en mi instagram @joanpocho125


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